Requirements, expectations, refund policy

My goal is for everyone to be successful and to have a good time. This starts by showing up on time with the necessary gear. It is required that students are present for all classroom sections and riding exercises, so please don't assume you can be late and get caught up. We will start without anyone who is not there at the starting time and ready to ride, and there will be no refunds or makeup classes. This means you can't show up at 8:00, act like you didn't know you have to wear gloves, and then run to Walmart.  

Required Gear:

  • Over-the-ankle footwear
  • Eye Protection
  • Long sleeve shirt or jacket
  • Full fingered gloves
  • Long pants without holes
  • Helmet (this can be provided if you don't have one)

None of this has to be motorcycle-specific, but it should fit well. If you have questions about gear, call or email well before class. 

Please plan on being at the range 15 minutes before the start of class.


People learn at different rates than others. We run classes that are 25% smaller than allowed by law so there is plenty of time for everyone to get the attention they need. The class is designed for people with no experience. Some people may require more instruction and coaching than we can provide in one weekend. Passing the class is not guaranteed, but I do have a very high success rate and will work with people who do not pass to make a plan if it doesn't work the first time. 

Refund Policy

There are none if you don't cancel or reschedule within a week before class. I will try to work with you in extreme circumstances, but that is not a guarantee. I need the time to try and fill the spot. In some cases there is a waitlist, and if I can fill your spot in time, you can reschedule.

Consumers are accustomed to being able to return an item or cancel a hotel room if they change their mind or something comes up. I have huge expenses that don't go away if people don't show up. Most Harley dealers in Colorado will allow you to reschedule; they also charge $400 or more and have corporate backing. If you think you will have trouble being on time or making the commitment, that may be a better option for you. 

If you have questions or concerns about refunds, contact me before paying for the class.